Introducing Context-Awareness into 3G Cellular Networks

Gefördert durch: Bayerische Staatsregierung
Partner: Siemens AG Corporate Technology
Apollis Interactive AG
Ansprechpartner am Lehrstuhl: Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Thomas Buchholz, Michael Schiffers

KODI (Kontextsensitive Dienste in globalen UMTS Diensten) – a German abbreviation for Context-aware Services – is a project whose goal is to introduce the concepts of context-awareness to services in the UMTS environment.

The main objective of the project is to provide design guidelines for context-aware services and underlying components that perform context acquisition, refinement and dissemination. Fast service creation is supported by a flexible framework that provides the necessary functionality. Standardized interfaces allow the exchange of context-information in a multi-provider environment.

The introduction of context-aware services in UMTS networks induces several research questions: How can context information be classified? Are there classes of context-aware services? Which roles need to be involved in the context provisioning process? Which strategies are better suited than others for the acquisition, storing, and dissemination of context information? Which infrastructure services are necessary for transparently providing context information?

The project addresses these questions by providing a generic reference model for context-aware services in UMTS, an adequate business model, and a set of necessary infrastructure services. Prototypes will proof the developed concepts.

The intensive work in the area of context-awareness has shown the relevance of that topic for the research community. KODI is now looking forward to take the next step and pave the way for the introduction of context-awareness into commercial systems such as UMTS networks.